
By DancingAly

More Tricks...

Another early start today....

We were up and out by 12pm, and we were headed to Trafalgar Square to see the St. Patrick's Day celebrations. It was cloudy but dry, but once we were in town, the rain started and it was pretty grim.

There wasn't much to see, so we headed off to Carnaby Street for some shopping as T wanted to look at a couple of things. I've only been there once before, and I had a quick browse but I thought it wasn't really that great! I ended up buying some sweatpants in Jack Wills, which turned out to be the cosiest things ever!

I was a bit grouchy and cold, and so we took the tube back to Waterloo. I looked at the trains yesterday, and saw that Woking was going to be closed all day today, which I thought would be a major pain. And I was right!

I was supposed to get a train that took me to Weybridge, which isn't too far from Woking, and then get the replacement bus back to Woking to pick up my car. Unfortunately, the train got just past Surbiton, and then stopped and we were stationary, with no lights or sound for a very long ten minutes. Then they announced there was a problem and we had to return to Surbiton. Sigh. Cue a rather large amount of pissed off people all trying to get home on a Sunday afternoon. 

One there, we were directed to the bus, which then took about 40 minutes to get to Weybridge. The whole time I was thinking how I was missing Mothers' day, and I just wanted to get home and see my mum! Just as we waited for more people to get on, they announced that there was a problem with the bus, and we all had to get off! People started exploding, and I decided there and then I wasn't hanging around to wait for another bus, so I crossed to the station and jumped in a taxi with a couple who were going to West Byfleet. 15 minutes and £15 later, I was reunited with my car in Woking, and free to drive home!

What a disaster! I'm a bit pissed off myself as I thought SWT had done all of their track works through January and February, when it took over and hour and a half to get home every Sunday. Apparently not. And it says it's the nest two weekends too, which means I'm going to have to find and alternative solution. 

I finally got home, unpacked my stuff and got ready for gym. I made it to see Mum, and she was pleased with the roses I got for her :-) 

Not the best Mother's Day- I think I deserve the title of Worst Daughter Ever! 

I love you Mum :-)


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