In the dark

As we seem to be in the dark about the future of blipfoto with it now in liquidation I have opened an account with the 365 Project so joining many other fellow blippers.   My name remains the same and I have posted the above entry as my first but might not post each day while blipfoto remains operational.

I had planned to do another collage following yesterday's white garden flowers but have decided that rather then spending time making it I'd do a quick blip instead.  I want to spend the time ensuring that I have all my past blips saved incase the site closes very soon.

It was a quick trip outside to see what I could find and thought that this might be appropriate with the bright primula flowers lit up in the dark and so hoping that there will be a bright future again for Blipfoto in the present uncertain darkness.

(I keep trying but just cannot get the link to work)

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