horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Exit Stage Right...?

Depends how long the hosting is paid up for really...

Lots of stuff in many many entries and various facebook pages about the possible demise of Blip (and lots of confusion and accusations and misunderstanding of the differences between liquidation and administration). It certainly doesn't looks great, and while I've got my own theories on what has gone wrong, it doesn't really serve anything to speculate.

I can only really imagine what Joe and the team are going through, having had so much invested in this, and let's face it, they're not vocal about what's going on because they've likely got agreements in place that tie their tongues, it most certainly won't be because they don't care (when I think about how much I've got invested with 2221, now 2222 entries, compared to Joe who founded, then has blipped every single day until the start of this month - it must be remarkably weird for him).

Hosting will have been paid for upfront, whether that's an annual thing, or monthly, just when that actually runs out, it's all a bit up in the air. Backing up makes sense at the moment, preparing the the worst, hoping for the best, etc etc.

Anyway, bigger personal news.... Accepted a job offer today. Subject to the formalities of getting references (hopefully formality!) I'll be starting on the last day of the month, with two or three weeks working up in Brechin, before setting up office at home. Certain sense of excitement and fear about the whole thing. Which is also the case for tomorrow... You'll just have to wait for that particular blip, if we're still here, for that.

Today was a wander down to Seacliff, with Mel having the day off work, in the hope of seeing the Gannets who have now started returning properly to the Bass Rock. We weren't disappointed, and despite the remarkably wintry cold, this for me is one of the true signs of spring. Gorgeous birds, which I've sat amongst on the Rock, easily in my top 5. Almost as good were the nesting Fulmars on the rocks around.

There's a new Big Ginge in town

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