Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Like A Shot From A Gun

As I sat on the cement wall contemplating the Blipfoto liquidation, there was what I thought to be a loud gunshot next to me.  I jumped to my feet screaming, "WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT?"

A teenager came out of the shadows and said, "It was my bicycle tire!  It was my tire exploding!  Are you alright?"  I wanted to yell at him, "NO!  I'm not  freaking alright.  Blipfoto is dying.  Don't you know what that means to me, you twerp? Blipfoto is dying..."

I broke into tears. 
He looked on. Did he really scare that old lady that badly?
He picked up his bike and walked past me.

I'm a blathering, bipolar, dysfunctional mess. 
I don't want to lose any friends. 
I am not on Facebook. 
I will likely go to another photography site where I can keep a daily journal.  Probably
But it will never be the same.

It will never...

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