Water Fight

They were meant to be helping Mr FS clean the car!!! :D

What a fab day again today!! Bernie & Arwen have been outside for pretty much the whole day! When they weren't riding around and around and around and around the block on bikes, they spent about 10 minutes heloing to wash the car before it generated into an all out water fight involving watering cans, cups, bowls.................................. :D :D They were both absolutely soaked through by the time they had finished - the perfect way to cool down on a day like today :) Once they were dry and changed into dry clothes, they went back out on the bikes.

As my sister-in-law, Dawn and her sons/our nephews were coming over to pick Bernie up, we made a huge lasagna, salad and baked a few potatoes and they stayed for dinner. All in all, it was a really lovely afternoon/evening.

I'm looking forward to my bed though :)

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