Hat's Off To Mum!

I'm at the choppe place (pictured) as a safe haven for lunch before I rush off to the airport.

After the relaxation of yesterday, I sought to repeat it today but my day instead turned into an IS Help Desk session! I decided to help Mum get her router connected in her home and establish her first connection to internet but underestimated the rigours of helping remotely. In all I spent 5 hours on this 'ticket', including one hour establishing the existence and functioning of the router box's on/off switch!

And getting through to the final security key window was like glimpsing the summit of Everest, before squalls enshrouded us as the task of actually entering the key itself presented the new and unforeseen challenges of establishing the location and use of the 'delete' and 'backspace' key...but why should my mum, at 86, know any of this!

She stuck to it all gamely, only sometimes complaining of the crick in her neck and reaching for her magnifying glass! And she created a whole new thesaurus entry for the word 'click', my favourite being 'dab'!

So, when we eventually stood on the peak of Darien, you can imagine the filial joy! Not sure it was reciprocated fully on the maternal side!

So now she can take her notebook south for her Jubilee visit to my sister's in London, and have a few lessons and home page set up attended to by my brother in law, secure in the knowledge that her connection awaits her (automatically) on her return.

And I did see Rio yesterday, and there are things truly more important than the next flip-flop stride!

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