Grey go-away-bird (Corythaixoides concolor)

Or Grey Lourie is a southern African bird of uniform grey with black beak and strikingly pink gape. It is widespread in savanna woodland, a clumsy flier though extremely agile in clambering through tree crowns. It has a distinctive loud alarm call "quare", fancifully sounding like "go away". The crest is raised when excited.
Its diet is mainly fruit (such as wild figs and berries), flowers, buds, leaves, termites, and snails. The habitat it occupies is dry open savanna woodlands, farms, parks, and suburbangardens, often near water. Thanks to Wikipedia!
We heard their loud calls all around our house and went out with the camera, there were at least 8 of them and boy, were they busy! I got a few very good shots of them, and Charmaine took quite a few too, she will most probably publish one as well, please watch her journal too, I don't think she will have time to do it before tomorrow (Wednesday)!
It doesn't seem like any of you saw my blip for yesterday, please do peep in! 

'One Year Ago'  -  African Violet Revisited  

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