An unexpected hazard !

We are down here for a day longer than usual, so have taken an opportunity for a good walk today. What a change in the weather.

This month's Dorset magazine had what seemed a good circular walk over and around Studland Heath and Beach, so we decided to do that. Binoculars around necks, we were hoping to see Dartford Warblers, and although we missed those we saw plenty of other birds. Highlights - first Chiff Chaff of the year calling, Stonechats, and the sea like a mill pond with clear views of Mergansers, Brent Geese, Great Crested and Black Necked Grebes, Sanderlings- and my first ever Long Tailed Duck.

Passing this sign was interesting. With bins around my neck I suddenly felt like a peeping tom, but thought this is March so it should be safe. But it has been dry and warm today and 200m after this sign a large flesh coloured mammal was seen standing confidently in the marram grass, and then later a larger individual striding forth with ruck sack on back (presumably containing his clothes). Studland is evidently a stronghold for the Naturist community.

I am keeping my clothes on !

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