Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Here's hoping for a clear sky

I had a wander around the estuary this afternoon looking for a suitable viewpoint for the 98% solar eclipse on Friday morning This spot will be just dandy, just so long as the wet, clinging sea fog has cleared by then! If all goes well then this will be 4th total or near total eclipse that I have seen. Eclipses always take me back to my childhood, to when I read and was enthralled by Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mines, in which Allan Quatermain  saved himself and his companions from certain death by prophesying a lunar eclipse:

"Very good; then here we have it—'4 June, total eclipse of the moon commences at 8.15 Greenwich time, visible in Teneriffe—South Africa, &c.' There's a sign for you. Tell them we will darken the moon to-morrow night.

The idea was a splendid one; indeed, the only weak spot about it was a fear lest Good's almanack might be incorrect. If we made a false prophecy on such a subject, our prestige would be gone for ever, and so would Ignosi's chance of the throne of the Kukuanas."

Now and again I do enjoy a bit of solitude and so this spot was just perfect for me, just 5 seals and half a dozen ducks for company! If you look closely you can just pick out the ship wreck that I blipped yesterday, due east of the centre point of the photograph.

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