Even more bubbles!

It's been a cold and wet, dreary kind of day today. Thank god we had our little music group to cheer us all up this morning. Little man was really eager to join in, especially with all the running around bits. I think he's finally got the motivation to walk now and will try at any given opportunity. May I also add that he's getting quite good. He can independently take a fair few steps now. He just hasn't mastered how to get upright without something or someone to help him yet. I've told him to check out the other babies at nursery tomorrow and see how it's done!

We went to the retail park this afternoon to get a few bits and pieces, when we came across a little bubble machine. I couldn't resist and the children had endless fun with it when we got home. We've nearly used an entire bottle of solution already!

Very sad news about blipfoto today. I'm keeping fingers crossed for the best. I would hate to loose all my blip friends and over a years worth of P&A madness.

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