Tennis Ball

We have been to see the mum's in the NE of England today given we didn't go on Mother's day.

Spent the morning with Mr H's parents and then the afternoon with mine. Reggie is very good in the car, and at their houses but we always try and give him a run along The Leas to get rid of some of his energy. As a special treat he got to chase his ball today. We limit his fun with this as he gets very carried away and on more than one occasion has hurt himself putting his brakes on to catch the ball. This is him running back to us - camera on sports mode - with the ball in his mouth, totally focussed on getting it back to us as quick as possible so we can throw it again.

I took a few pictures of Souter Light house, and Marsden Rock but they were all very grey. Even the waves breaking on Camel Island looked grey, so today it is a non emergency blip of Reggie.

Things sound brighter re the future of blip, let  us all hope that a solution can be found.   

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