a knight in shining armour ...

Oh well ...... Uncle John was often heard to say at the end of the day when something out of routine happened....

     'you never know what a day will bring - imagine that happening !!'

so today I was to pick up a gluten free order and on my way back there was a funny noise, well I stopped and you maybe guessed by the blip, I had a flat tyre. Why does the car not go all lop-sided when your tyre is flat..hmmmm. Fortunately I have a breakdown insurance for these eventualities, so I phoned said company. After giving her all my details including inside leg and shoe size [no Roz she didn't ask for anything too personal thankfully] she told me the breakdown service would be there in 60 minutes.

Five minutes later and I had received two texts from aforesaid company and then a phone call from the breakdown man. I'm James he said [really] and I should be with you in 15minutes - and he was. Did a wheel change for me and sent me on my way. A really nice guy, cheery and polite.

Of course when you have the spare emergency wheel on you need to get the dodgy one sorted and with three holes in the wall it wasn't going anywhere but the scrap heap.

My chosen tyre replacement centre were very helpful and quickly renewed the tyre and changed the emergency spare for the new tyre at a cost of £69. So back on the road and ready to roll, so to speak.


Did people see that the facebook blipfoto friends are asking blippers to post pictures tomorrow with arms held right out to show solidarity and support for the site. Suggestion is that a square photo be submitted with subject standing arms wide out in order that the photos could all join up.


I did manage to see Dad, but he was very tired today but even when he is dozing he joins in with the music and songs being played :)


Eventful day today …
 .... please see a cut and paste job of instructions for tomorrow
Take care  :)

'Rules' for the blip together blip 18th March
To be posted on 18th March time to suit as long as it is during March 18th UK time.
Photo has to be cropped to square before posting
Arms have to be half way up in the photo
Tag #blipfotoforever
Piece of paper (location your choice) with the tag on so that we can have the tag visual and make our message clear.
Make it individual too

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