
I have had a seriously busy day today - out at 7 for breakfast (at Drexels!) with the staff, then to our mini conference by 8.30.  Which led into an intense day absorbing the wisdom from some seriously excellent education researchers (all educators themselves too).  It was one of those days that re-affirms your beliefs and purpose in education, and I'm so glad it was one that all of our staff were able to attend.  

It didn't finish until 4 and then we had the 4 hour drive home (usually only 3 and a half but rush hour traffic slowed us up a little).  A great chance to talk about some of the ideas we'd been presented with through the day.

By the time we got to St James Tarn I still hadn't taken a blippable image so I asked the driver to pull in for a quick photo opportunity.

I also took some photos of the sunset later on the drive, thinking I might blip the red clouds and talk about the clouds lifting for the future of us as blippers.  But the car was moving and they weren't very clear so I'm posting the tarn instead.  

Maybe a chance to 'reflect' on the blip journey instead.

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