
I have to admit to being somewhat hacked off with the changes here over Xmas and initially struggled to like the new look and the new way of working.... Perhaps I'm stuck in the mud and need to learn that nothing stays the same and no matter how comfy it feels there can and should be room for change - whether I feel it is for the better or worse is quite irrelevant.
The news that we may actually loose blip upset me more than I would have thought - not teary upset- the thought that all my inane ramblings and my joyful, cherished moments with my family would/could be lost into the ether was....was a kind of an awakening to the fact that I have trundled along on here just taking it for granted that it would always be here.
The news on facebook that AnnieAndChris were offering to help us back up our text seemed too good to be true... What stars they are, I have it all safely tucked away now and will make a point of keeping the important words in a backup place.
So today we are showing our solidarity to each other, to Joe and the blip central team and to whoever will be taking hold of the reins. I hope that they will show some compassion and let us remain the wonderful community that we are.
My fear is that if Joe and team are not with us then we loose the passionate heart that has been beating for the last ten years, we loose the soul and become a machine that grinds on with no one lovingly oiling the cogs. Am I talking twaddle ?

 Oh dear... I've just read the preferred bidder is the money men who own the Polaroid brand. Also read a very interesting article written by Fergus Murray.

Only time will tell!

Now to get on with my day, I took my bedroom curtains down three days ago to re-line, perhaps I should get that job done!

Tonight we head out to York college -with Layla and Mr Chris- to sample the delights of the seafood tasting menu at the training restaurant.

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