
By Peahen

School shoes

B's class did an assembly on space this morning. It was excellent, and the first time ever I've enjoyed "Time Warp" from the Rocky Horror Show inside a school. I'm just putting together a cd of images for the school, but my favourite of the day is this photo of B's teacher's beautiful shoes.

My father taught for many years and I don't have any reason to believe that it's an easier gig now than it was then. I am so grateful though for teachers like this one, who have FABULOUS written through their core and who manage to squeeze time both within and without the school day to inspire and educate our children despite the increasing changes to how our schools are run. Even and especially when it results in a wide awake daughter at 6am, reminding me that we have to go to school early so she can be Neil Armstrong in the assembly. Thank you! I just need to remember to pass the url along now.

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