Setting sail!!
We docked in Darwin today. A trip to Litchfield National Park with its termite mounds and waterfalls was on the agenda. It was a long drive, 2hrs each way, through interesting countryside. It was hot!! 37 degrees centigrade, a smidgen off 100 degrees F. I hate to think what the humidity was, but everyone looked as though they had been in the waterfalls. The air conditioning on the coach was first class.
An option on the trip was to swim in the pool under the waterfall, but it was closed due to a sighting of a crocodile!! When this happens they put a baited trap in the pool and remove the offending croc to an alternative site.
I managed to get some shots of butterflies and dragon flies which I will add to flickr when we get home.
Darwin was destroyed due to bombing by the in the Japanese during WW11 and a cyclone in the 1970’s. It has been rebuilt and is now a modern vibrant city.
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