Roll With It

By Falmike

And I Thought I Was Tired

As today's photo illustrates it's obviously been a long day. Up late last night to watch the Quins v Leicester match I was up and breakfasted by 10:15 and then out into the garden. Ten bags of earth and three soft tubs of rubble filled with hardcore to the tip.
Then we assembled the new BBQ, filled another ten bags of earth, two more soft tubs of hardcore and took them to the tip. After disposing of our old BBQ table, sweeping the garden and assembling the new garden table I stopped for coffee and the Sunday Telegraph.
The test cook on the new BBQ was sausages for a sandwich, very nice it was too. We then had a BBQ with friends, very enjoyable, cleared away, cleaned up, showered and sat down.
On entering the lounge this is how I found Gussie; her day has obviously be longer and harder than mine!!

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