My Fluffy

Of course, I took the long lens when walking the dog today and saw nothing........................ no buzzard, no robins, no wrens - Nothing!

Even the frogs were teasing me...........

All I got was various Fluffy bits and a very poor arty farty longish exposure.

Squirrel's earache seemed to have receded (maybe the half gallon of antibiotics and calpol).
The Cygnet got a good write up at parents evening (they must have mixed him up with somebody else).

"Still Life" practical at the camera club tonight.
Again - I got nothing.
Spent a while working out why a new member was not getting sharp pictures ............. her camera which is a month old has an autofocus function which doesn't work!
This was confirmed by trying various lenses on her camera and her lens on various cameras.
It will be getting thrown back at a shop assistant tomorrow and she has been given instructions to make sure they replace it, do not try to get her to send it back to the manufacturers and do not try sending it back for repair themselves. She has also been given details of the Sale Of Goods Act, the name of a contact at Trading Standards and various other quotes guaranteed to send shivers down the manager's spine (one of our members works for H.M. Customs & Excise).
Hopefully she will have the courage to stand her ground.  

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