Phantom Revisited

So sorry to bore you guys, but hey, it was soooo awesome, I must share it with you!

C&R sr saw it on 11 May, whilst Anrie's parents went to the show a couple months ago, and this past week they al decided that the children and I must see it too. C booked us for this afternoon's show, and by golly, what a show!!

Everything about it is exceptionally professional and of an outstanding standard! Brilliant work and such talented artists! The décor is absolutely breath taking!! Little wonder it ran in the Pieter Toerien Teatro at Monte Casino for more than 4 months, booked to capacity for each and every show, and it will be moving to Cape Town shortly after 3 June, when it will close here in Johannesburg, despite requests for a longer stay!

Thank you sooo much C&R sr, the tickets were really expensive, but it was all worth it to be able to sit in choice positions not to miss a thing! We appreciate it tremendously, God bless!

After the show, we browsed outside the theatre, toward the hotel where C&R stayed when they saw the show, where we discovered a 'Ferrari Show' in full swing!! I can, unfortunately, only show you one of the events, and, of course, it would be the Phantom's main entrance, were not allowed to take pics in the theatre, of course!! ;-)

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