
By woodleywise

“Say it ain’t so Joe”

When I was watching Joe make his statement about the link up with Polaroid I noticed the Macintosh Plus on the shelf behind his head. Ah! A guy like me! We will be OK.
But I am very naïve and trusting. What would a conspiracy theorist make of this string of events?
1.     A period of silence. No reactions to the community’s dissatisfaction with the new format eg the white background
2.     An announcement of a “partnership” with Polaroid.
3.     New Polaroid-favouring titles, colourschemes, logos etc
4.     Another period of silence
5.     The announcement of Blipfoto liquidation
6.     The announcement of Polaroid as the Preferred Bidder to take over the remains of Blipfoto
Are these events random? Unconnected? Or all part of a pre-arranged plan?

So, like the little boy imploring the baseball player Joe Jackson accused of match-fixing  to deny it, I ask Joe Tree to “Say it ain’t so”

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