... presently we are in the mist of ""seniors week" apparently some one thought the need to have a week of activities around seniors!!! 
In real terms a tremendous idea, as all too often many of the older brigade are just not aware of the services and benefits that may be available to them.

Anyway, as mentioned on my recent Blip how our local Council have really been getting in and pushing the "community" activities. Today was for a function organised by Council at one of the regions Community Centres for Seniors week. 

A really well "oiled" organisation, with quite a few Departments and business in attendance to assist any seniors questions etc. Our Nepean Blue Mountains Prostate Cancer Support Group were ask to be there as well. (Check out the new web site if you have time)

Had a top day answering any queries and in a couple of cases sadly giving "support" to one or two gentleman just diagnosed with prostate cancer, so pleased we went to be available. 
Our motto is "You are not alone"....

At the conclusion a local schools drum group were asked to perform, and whilst taking a couple of pics all of a sudden this "wonderful smile" was peering down my lens!!!!

How could I resist this as my Blip.

Enjoy, and have a look in  LARGE.

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