Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Derelict Thursday

My best-beloved beautiful blipping big sister has generously allowed me to have her former favourite and fatally flawed compact camera.

Now that 25 years of procrastination regarding personal camera selection has come to an abrupt end I must either try to recall some of what I have forgotten about photography or prove myself categorically to be a taker of poor-to-mediocre snaps.

These rusting hulks at Volos railway station are visible from space. There are rather more of them than there were when I first discovered them but I have no idea where they are coming from. I'm certain they can't be breeding, not in that condition!

The gate was locked so I was unable to get my preferred shot of choice, not feeling enthusiastic about a possible arrest for clambering about with a camera, which has been known to be a criminal offence in Greece.

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