
By bananablip


left the house at 7.15 on a cold and foggy morning again. this time self inflicted. a run along the river, beautiful and misty and barely able to see more than a few feet of river at a time. when your natural waking up time is 5.00, boredom has well and truly struck by 7.00, so much so that even a run seems inviting.

thankfully, the cold and the fog disappeared and by the time we had finished our planning this afternoon, it was the perfect temperature for some trivolle practice in the town square. my face absorbed the vitamin d like a sponge. the girls team won, oh yes.

then this evening, a spine tinglingly good meeting at st. julian's. standing and praying with young people in the place that has been used for worship for 1,000 years. it felt like a whole troop of witnesses were cheering us on. what an evening. i'm not nearly eloquent enough to be able to capture the experience with mere words, so just know that it was awesome.

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