Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Lovely day with family. Tobes spent most of it naked in the garden playing in his paddling pool. For the first time ever he told me that he wanted to do a wee so I got his potty out (never used to date) and he kept sitting on it and getting up and then sitting on it again without doing anything but saying wee wee all the time. Then he put the potty in the paddling pool, repeated the process and then stood up and did a wee in the paddling pool! Doh! I am getting now why parents get so excited when their little ones go on the potty for the first time. I would have been so over the moon if he had done a little wee in there! But its progress that he is starting to think about it and tell us about it. Would be great if I could get him out of nappies over the summer but he'll do it in his own time.

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