
Busy day with work and catching-up and stuff. Managed a half-hour down the pool in amongst all this - pretty sluggish but thought I'd better stick in the effort anyway. Looked at the clock after I'd finished my stint and was actually quite surprised at how sluggish the sluggish was. I'm sure next time will be better...

Came across a CD the other day with various artists covering all the tracks on one of my all-time favourite albums, New Order's 'Power Corruption & Lies'. I'm all for people having a go and I'm not at all revererential about cover versions in the slightest but a lot of it was just dreadful. Not sure why half of 'em even bothered. So I've been listening to some of the real thing tonight, in particular summat that I've not heard for nearly thirty years, namely a live recording of a gig I was at back in 1986. I used to have a tape of it that I bought at a record fair but it's long gone, thankfully the internet more than suffices.


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