
By JEdwards


Ok so this isn't the most exciting photo but it tells a story...

A couple of days ago an elderly neighbour walked past my front garden and stopped to say hello. His stature reminded me of grandad. I have spoken to this gentleman before but on this occasion I was in a bit of a rush so tried to cut the conversation short but then something inside of me told me to slow down and just relax. The man then went on to tell me that he had once been a professional gardener in big houses in the surrounding area. This then led on to him giving me some advice about how to prune the one and only plant in my front garden!

So today I took his advice and I hope that when he next walks past he will smile at my work.

So it's thanks today for the advice of the expert and also the reminder that older people often have so much more to give if I (we) just let them.

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