Behind The Green Door
Well, this is not quite as colourful as i thought it was going to be. Although green is a colour and there's a lot of green. You can't really see many flowers but then the garden's not at its peak yet. I didn't want to miss a day as I'm building my consistencyback up so this is what you're getting.
It's been another scorcher today, early dogging, four or five hours pottering in the garden, weeding (god help my knees tomorrow) then some papers time and a little snoozing. Applied plenty of sunscreen this morning, finished off the factor 15 so had to resort to some factor 25 later in the afternoon. Squeezed the tube and a spacesuit and balaclava came out but at least I didn't burn.
In other news, I managed to walk away empty handed after being offered free books today. That's progress.
The Green Door, Shakin' Stevens, 1981 .... co-incidentally, I read in the papers today that Behind The Green Door is a famous 'adult' movie, who knew?
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