One Day Like This...

By LicentiousLib

Coffee and Trees - a perfect breakfast

I was up and about early this morning. I went and sat in the park with a coffee and perused the fallen leaves.

I had an appointment, who unfortunately cancelled on me (due to sudden family illness) with 5 minutes notice. Ah well, shit happens sometimes.

An unexpected opportunity to go leaf hunting (for the project I'm working on), but alas not to be. :-(
I have dodgy hips sometimes (tendon/ligament damage due to treatment and issues in the past). Generally it's fine, but just sometimes it's not. This is one of those weeks. It's achey, bloody sore actually, but it's really irritating when it keeps sort of 'giving way'. Most inelegant when I lurch into a slightly crumpled heap. Grrrrr.
I've had to capitulate slightly and use my stick temporarily, but only for now, it usually gets better within a week or two IF I take it easy *grumble grumble*
So, anyway, it was just waaaaay too sore to go walking. It must've been bad for me to give in to physical weakness - not like me. Intensely frustrating.

So went home, drank coffee and made lists. I make damn good lists. It's the next bit that's more challenging.

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