Colorful Cookie Dough

My grandchildren, Nicholas and Nadia, had fun making cookies today with this colorful dough.  They used cookie cutters for some and others they just formed shapes and letters with their fingers.  Before they went into the oven they decorated the cookies with colored sugar and sprinkles. 

Tomorrow is the first day of spring.  We are expecting snow.  I hope this is the last time.  The snow we've had on the ground all winter is almost all gone.  I'm sure a couple of warmer days will melt what we get tomorrow. 
Dillon had to go to the animal hospital for his "procedure".  Poor guy.  I wonder what he thinks about being away.  I know it's healthier for the puppies to have the procedure right away when they are young but I still felt bad.  It feels so strange not having him here.  Can't wait till we pick him up on Saturday.

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