Well, the blip's been down for a while so I didn't bother with pictures.
Then I took a couple of great pixes of the Catalinas in the sunset. Stupidly, I deleted them as I was sending those pixes to my email, thus the email failed as the pixes didn't "exist" anymore. Oh well.
My large iced coffee from McDonald's. This is probably the strongest iced coffee I could get from anywhere and it only costs 2 bucks. It's 7:47pm so I probably should've started drinking this a couple hours ago, I would like to sleep tonight.
For this iced coffee, I'm having a big exam tomorrow morning at 8am. Last exam I took for this class, I never bothered to study at all, so I can see what it's like and know how hard I'd need to study for the next one. It was hard indeed, I got 50% on the first one. So I'm cramming this evening, with an aid of this iced coffee.
The practice was canceled today, so I spent an hour and half in the weight room after my classes.
I think my grammar's way off tonight.
Comics- still on the rise, better and better each day. Soon I will set up my website for this strip for everyone to see. But after I get it copyrighted first.
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- Research BlackBerry 8130
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