The Wren

By TheWren

Flying saucers?

No - I managed to catch a glimpse of the eclipse through my colander :-)  I was still in my dressing gown and watching the TV live programme when i realised that the sun had started to shine. I was not prepared at all, thinking it was going to be cloudy, so I grabbed a colander (per the instructions on the TV) and camera and out I went. Unfortunately it started to cloud over and all I could see in my shot were the grains of granite slab with a furry paw in the way! The eclipse was happening and I had missed it!  Nothing daunted i popped the dogs back in the house, dashed back in again to grab a piece of white paper and watched the TV - and then I saw the sun shining again and I dashed out again managing to capture this image as the eclipse passed away. It is a bit blurry as both camera and colander were hand held but it is a visual image and record for me of a very exciting moment as I doubt I will be able to do much dashing the next time it happens!!

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