
By PixelChristi

Edindurgh Eclipsed

Hey folks. Sorry I've been away. Still "no' weel" at the moment, although there are encouraging glimpses of "weelness". So I'm taking things very easy right now. 

That said, my motivation problems are subsiding ( I put that down to getting vitamin D in me for the first time in years), and I'm actually starting to generate proper, interesting, maybe even slightly different ideas, especially for portraits. For the first time in weeks, my notebook has taken a right battering. Feels nice. :)

Right, onto the photo, so this will be the billionth eclipse shot of the day, but it's a big event so cheer up Imp! I'll try and be different next time. I kind of wanted to focus on the wider effect of the eclipse, rather than a shot of the sun hiding behind the moon. As it happened,I would have to do that anyway.

I found myself at my old favourite spot in Dalgety Bay. One of the few places in the town where you can confirm that you are, in fact,by the sea. It's a WW2 sighting post out on a point that juts out into the Forth. It's peaceful, relatively difficult to get up to, so I have it to myself most of the time, and you see quite a bit of wildlife. Ideal.

Just as I got there, the clouds rolled in, so I looked wistfully at my camera bag, shook my head and decided I'd stay anyway, and soak up the rest of what a solar eclipse has to offer. It was worth it. 

To be honest, the cloud cover allowed me to see the eclipse just fine at times without protection, at other times I used the back of the camera. I found I was far more interested in what the light was doing around the eclipse rather than looking at the sun anyway. It really does take on a unique character as everything gets lit by light that's bouncing of other things rather than by the sun itself. A lesson in lighting, direct from the observable universe. Nice. If a little eerie.

Not to mention the birds going to sleep. Although I can kind of understand that, as I did find the whole experience very relaxing myself. As I got up to move on, the eclipse still just barely active, I noticed a duck in the water, head under wing, asleep. Also lost count of the amount of birds who I scared out of the grass, from their slumber, as I walked back to the path. Ha! Stupid birds.

Also I got no spam on my phone for the entire time. What's up with that?! Ha! Stupid spammers.

Anyway. I have some backblips that I'll post when I have time, and I have some also rans that I'll post in a bit. Sorry for not being around and not commenting. I'll get back on it soon.

edit alsorans posted.

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