Solar Eclipse Berlin 2015

Never found my special glasses nor had I a filter .However, with my rather old TZ10 I set out to T H Platz where a lone photographer was setting things up . My plan was to film any gathering and the change in light . However, very soon there were lots more people and so much fun and sharing. People who had glasses shared and the photographer was really great at sharing his filters etc . It was a happening plus.Honestly , the good will there alone today could have brought about world peace.  Young people were making the most of it and their make up was superb . My best shot proved a tad elusive but this is about marking my day as it was .Somewhat chaotic.  Hence have put together a blip of 4. I won't forget those I met but I would like to mark the event as my special day.
note ) the clouds over Britain enhance the event . Have been studying form ..

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