Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Eclipse Excitement

We don't normally congregate in the corridor except for astronomical events it seems. This was the only west facing window in the whole plant.

The eclipse in Switzerland was much more partial than that seen by my friends and family in Scotland. Lucky them. It barely got dark here and I reckon only about half the sun was covered at maximum point. I got to see it through some welding goggles from production that were being passed around in the corridor but none of my snaps turned out very well because it was too bright and there were no clouds. It's a strange and special thing. I'm glad I got to see it as I don't think there will be another one I can see until 2026.

I enjoyed a conversation with a friend at lunchtime about what scientists have learned about the world from eclipses and their effectiveness as a metaphor in love songs - cue Bonnie Tyler...

Kudos to one of my colleagues who successfully viewed the eclipse safely through the near opaque foil of an empty crisp packet!

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