Robin Eclipsed
The morning of the Eclipse dawned grey and cloudy - no chance of seeing the momentous event I thought. BUT - the sky cleared sufficiently in time to see the sun emerging from behind the moon's shadow. It was very beautiful and magical. A lone robin was at the top of the tree in the garden singing away, maybe to celebrate what he was witnessing- but I suspect spring fever is in the air and his mind is on finding a mate! These two images rolled into one were taken within a few minutes of each other but I clearing couldn't get both in focus in the same shot as they are considerable distances apart - I don't think any f-stop could manage that!
The clouds cleared away and the afternoon has been sun and blue skies. I went to Otmoor (a local RSPB reserve) with Stefan, a photographer friend who also happens to be my dentist. The first time I met Stefan in his surgery he picked up a Canon (I am Nikon lady) camera complete with ring flash to photograph my wonderful teeth!!! We then spent a long time discussing photography and looking at some of his images before getting on with why I was there! Now his dental nurse goes and has a cup of tea for a while when I visit - she knows it will be a while before her services are needed.
I took a few decent shots at Otmoor but today's blip has to record this particular bit of history. I hope I am still peering down a lens for the next Eclipse - but the odds are against it!
*MerlotsDad gave me the details of the Otmoor riots.
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