Thinking that cloud cover had hindered my chance of seeing the eclipse I drove out to Cuween hill to give the dogs a spin. As I parked up the eclipse became visible occasionally through thinner cloud. This is the first eclipse I have managed to see, so I was a little bit excited even though my eyes were turned to lava.
*Health & Safety interlude*...I didn't really look at it
Then followed a day of more outside/doggy stuff at Evie beach where there was an incredibly low tide and spoot hunters out in force. I enjoyed watching them walking backwards, garden forks or big knives in hand ready to suddenly stab into the sand. Meanwhile the dogs ran their legs off and met a couple of new friends - Sigyn even refrained from barking in their faces and chose instead to sniff bums. Like a normal dog.
Gorgeous returned from work and then stood in a queue in the freezing rain to buy a fish and chip supper for us - That's Love.
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