Lala's Journal

By Lala


One of those ' oh no I haven't taken a photo' today' blips. I had the phone with me all the time this morning just in case the cloud broke, but not to be.

Two of my staff were poorly today, which meant that I got to do their job. I love my job, but as many before me can attest to, the higher one goes, the further way you get from the role that took your fancy in the first place. I got to work with the children today for one Tudor session. I had a ball! So much better than the desk!

Back to the desk to make a start on a new puzzle book. Leeds Castle has been offered a pop up area at Bluewater shopping centre for the whole of April. A few of of my team will be staffing it on some days and story telling during the school holidays. There will also be children's activities and so a generic LC puzzle book was ordered.

So, the photo is of a bud on the Camellia which is in a pot in my garden. The plant was given to me by colleagues after the death of my sister. It is very special and still in a pot until I move and can take it to my last garden.

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