The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Nearly eclipsed by a gadwall ...

I have been madly dithering - reluctant to blip my eclipse photo because it would be a far from unique blip!
In the end I decided that was silly - it's such an unusual happening it deserves to be blipped!

I went out into the garden this morning, armed with a music stand, white card and a colander. I sensibly sat with my back to the sun and lamely held my colander in front of the card, trying to get a decent image, but it was cloudy and the image kept disappearing.

When it got particularly gloomy, I turned around to see that the eclipse was pretty much at its peak and threw caution to the wind and just pointed my camera and took this shot ..  both my camera and my eyes seem to have survived.

Here   is the rather lovely gadwall which was 'nearly' blipped!

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