Holding on....

....by the roots!
While some cities along the Lake have put measures in place to keep the bluffs from eroding, others have just left them as they are, & slowly but surely with each change of season, bits of the bluffs slide down the hill to rest alongside the shoreline of the Lake. When you're standing up on top & enjoying the wonderful view, the ground feels solid, but there are many areas like this one where it really isn't----most times the only thing holding that portion of the ground in place are tree & plant roots! 
I always hang back a bit from the edge, & it really terrifies me when I see young children running up & down along the far edge while their parent is a good 20 feet away, totally oblivious, talking on the phone!  The ground could collapse & down they'd go! And this is probably a parent who would sue the city for not posting a sign to say that running along a 35 foot high bluff is dangerous .......Well, so is stupidity!

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