Snow Down Under

By snowy


Taken at 7.39am. Actually this is my 421st blip, but because I spent 3 weeks in Australia last July, I have deducted 21 from the total. Apart from that, I have spent all year in the garden.

I have enjoyed seeing all the partial solar eclipses on blip this morning. It reminded me we were in England on the 11th August, 1999, a friend was driving us down to Chichester & mid morning all the traffic stopped, people alighted & we all stood in the middle of the busy highway & gazed at this marvellous phenomenon. Luckily our friend had thoughtfully brought special glasses to wear. The entire landscape was bathed in lavender hues & it was very eerie. Like twilight in the middle of the day.
Despite all the Autumn colours, I have chosen this pinky/mauve scene because it reminds me of that special day in the glorious English countryside. Kind of coincidental !

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