...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Love Rocks....

Feeling the love today!
During morning muster the boss side-barred with another and I jumped in and thanked everyone for accepting me on the job site and making me part of the crew. I told them that today was my last day and I would be going back to the warehouse to prepare for the next build and I hope I would see everyone then. I got a collective ahhhh and a round of applause. Throughout the day I received thank yous and hugs. Some said they appreciated my smile every morning and my help finding parts. It was really rewarding to know I made a difference out there. So even though I got a ridiculous little raise....my co-workers gave me a raise money can't replace.
Love rocks...

Photo: this a collection of heart rocks, mostly. Heart items found on various hiking trips, outings or by little kids and big kids that know I collect them (thanks Bear&Sissy, Jase, my girl, Alyssa&Rebecca).
Found by me or given to me...I keep them in a bowl as a reminder of LOVE!

Spreading the love over blipdom today!

Have an amazing weekend!

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