I know, it's a Swan

But we don't have many swans  in our neck of the woods, and I thought after all the excitement of the last week that it was time to settle down….

My brother is in town and we have a new  phrase for our family lexicon…"the Eastman Effect", coined by the IRS man he was talking to on his cell phone. He called before we ever left the house, but was put on hold and remained there as we prepared for our morning walk, got ourselves and the dogs in the car and drove to Spring Lake. 

As we were  getting ourselves and the dogs out of the car, a real person finally came on the line as we were setting off on our walk. Whereas I would have been in a fury after all that time on hold, Rick immediately struck up a friendship with the guy and confided, after waiting for the fellow to go off and find the answer to his question and come back, that he was on a walk. The fellow was so delighted that he found himself talking to someone who wasn't irate that he said, " so you're practicing the "Eastman Effect"

We decided that the Eastman Effect was the act of managing to do something you like at the same time you are doing something you don't like. I like it….

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