Well actually dead but this is The Boss taking liberties ‘Cos big T is still at THC and I am still in control, from the studio floor so to mini bark.
We are off again soon so Big T gets to socialise a bit longer.
It was a doubtful day today and The Boss just had time for a quick Blip before mowing the lawn and then sheltering from the rain which was not all that much but was going to be worse tomorro so he is planning a big file organise which has been planned for the last 12 years but might actually happen. I will continue to lie low…unless he lifts his camera bag onto a chair.
For the first time in his photographic life he has a master plan regarding images.
Sort them into major events. (Blip ones are already sorted as they are posted)
Cull a story from each event with a blend of “best” and “Social” images.
Make an ebook of this and maybe a paper one as well after the ebook has had some exposure to others and had final final final edits.
Delete whats not used. YES really…He has already done this and didn’t have any guilt issues after either.
In that way the pics that we keep will be barked up to a book and printed and live on a table in the lounge for all to browse including US.
The Printed book will be barked up on the bookmaking site AND lightroom to Apple Time machine and the images to an external as well.
The ebooks can be viewed as a book or as a “slide show” or as a screen saver on Apple TV to amuse visitors and US. Wonderful to watch your photographic “history” while you are listening to music.
Ebooks can be looked at as a book on an iPad or any other thingie as they are PDF and therefore completely universal.
Oh and I should add that The Boss makes ebooks that are Photographic with minimal wordage.
Last word…No digital storage system is guaranteed not to fail. Paper will outlast digital and will generally survive a coffee spill.
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