Mothering Sunday

Now, I'm not complaining but Mothering Sunday is not a day when I usually see much of any of my kids. Which is fair enough, right? But it's Charlie's birthday, tomorrow, and although I'll be having lunch with her and her sisters, she wanted to see Dan and Abi, too. Which is also fair enough.

So, the plan was that she would come across with Hannah, Izzy and Milly at about half-ten, today, Dan would walk down, and Abi would pop in after church with her mum before they went out for a Mothering Sunday lunch. And, somewhere along the way, it also became a bit of a celebration for Milly passing her driving test. 

So, I popped into Booths on my way home, this morning, and bought some bacon and some rolls, and, when I got in, I stoked up the big moka pot. The kids were all on good form over breakfast and then, just before midday, we opened up a bottle of fizz. By the time Abi arrived with her mum and her boyfriend, it was necessary to open another bottle. 

It was a lovely family atmosphere, with everyone chatting and laughing, and by the time Dan and Abi went off for lunch with Hannelie and David, I found myself opening another bottle of wine, as the girls didn't seem in any great hurry to leave. 

Often, I find, it is these impromptu events that turn out to be the most fun. Maybe because there's no pressure, no expectations. Certainly by the time the girls set off for their late lunch with their mum, I was blissfully happy (and, yes, a bit tipsy). I had a pretty enjoyable afternoon, too, lying on the sofa, writing and reading. It was a happy father's day (lower case).

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