
By lucia13

The Sign of Spring !

It was a grey and awful day here today . Now it is raining. I went to the garden before it started raining to find some sign of Spring for you. It is the only flower I found  I just added my ladybird  to make it more colourful  hehe!.  The real one I saw yesterday  disappeared with the eclipse which I missed. It was so cloudy in the morning. We couldn't see anything. What  a pity. At least I enjoyed your Eclipse blips. Thanks..
Sorry about my  rubbish pictures indoors for the last few days . Always it was in the last minute.
Today I am going for dinner with a friends for our Anniversary celebration so I just posted my blip now because I don't know what time  we will back tonight.
I was resting all day again. No walking, not swimming, nothing just saving my energy for tonight. It will be a great dinner with nice company.
I saw many blips this morning and some very funny . It made me smile a lot . Thanks for sharing such lovely pictures and funny moments. That is what blip is for I guess.
There are extraordinary people and very creative  in this wonderful community.  Thanks everybody for your visit and nice words!
Hope you are having a nice weekend and smile! It is healthy!
Happy Spring everybody !!

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