The First Day of Spring

We only buy a paper on a Saturday - for the cryptic crossword and the TV Review. What a waste of paper, eh! Although as I've been doing some decorating it is coming in useful to protect the floor. Usually, we scan the crossword and print it so that we each have a copy. When we were away, of course, we couldn't do that. Then I had A Bright Idea. I photographed it on my tablet, opened the picture in 'Drawing' mode, and used the stylus to fill in the answers.

Most of the time, I don't bother with the Codewords - the grid's rather small and my hands end up black with newsprint. This week, I've scanned those, too, and it's great - can make it bigger - AND I don't need to wash my hands afterwards! Instead I got my hands mucky gardening today. It's been wonderfully sunny and mild.

The First Day of Spring got off to the perfect start when we woke at 5.30 to the dawn chorus. Wonderful! Hope you're having a good weekend. In one week's time the clocks go forward and then we shall really feel that spring has sprung!

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