All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan was disappointed that Eden couldn't come back to our house after gymnastics today because Foreveryoung had friends coming round. However we then agreed that she could stay with me for a bit cos I'd promised Ethan I would take him to the Disney Store, so she could come too. I'd forgotten though until my friend Vicki reminded me at gymnastics that we were all supposed to be going round to another friends house for lunch and a play date! So Eden came too!

It was a gorgeous day. My friends hubbie was outside washing their cars and kindly did mine too! The kids also thought it was funny when he pretended to chase and shoot them with the jet wash!

We all decanted to the local playpark where the kids stayed for ages. Ethan ended up playing footballl on the muddy pitch beside it with a P3 boy he recognised from school.

Eventually at 4.30pm I took Ethan and Eden into Edinburgh for a quick trip to the Disney Store. A MacDonalds tea in the car on the way back to Bathgate to drop Eden off. The kids were still playing nicely together, so Ethan had ended up staying for a sleepover. Hubbie was rather surprised when I came home without him!

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