
By FlyingPRGal

Therapy by Cake

My grandmother always used to say the art of a good cake is the love you put into making it. I've loved baking since I was a child. There's something about mixing up all the ingredients and the expectation of how it will turn out.

Baking to me is a form of therapy. It takes me back to my childhood and happy, carefree times. I felt a bit sad and frustrated this afternoon after a disagreement over messenging. I wish certain friends didn't rely so much on electronic messaging. It drives me crazy and causes unnecessary misunderstandings.

I just wish they'd pick up the phone or write a letter. I was born in the wrong century perhaps for hankering over actually talking or pen on paper!

So this afternoon I pumped up the music in the kitchen, tied on my apron and got busy baking to take my mind off the upset.

I like to bake cakes for friends and today was one of those occasions. I baked a chocolate cake for the falconry team to say thank you for the amazing experience yesterday. I hope they like it. It's meant to look like an owl but I'm not sure it does. My creations usually taste good but they tend to look like a child made them!

But so long as my cakes taste okay it doesn't matter what it looks like does it?

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