
By bigred1977

It really ties the room together.....

We drove up to Katoomba today to go to the RSPCA open day.... The weather was still against us with rain and mist.... It was still fun though! Baxter got a bit of attention, treats and his picture on their facebook page! It was pretty sad seeing the dogs waiting for a new home but they are very good at rehoming them there so hopefully it's not long till they go!

We also bought a rug for our small hall today..... It's way better than the rag that was there before.....

I was holding a treat in my hand to get Baxter to sit!

Andrea is currently busy in the kitchen whipping up a Indian style Rack of Lamb for tonight's dinner..... It smells great as I sit in the couch sampling a nice Brewdog IPA..... I love the weekends!

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