A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Apology Accepted

Last month I experienced a loss of identity. It was no fun. It still is no fun, but I've come to realize I'm not special. This sort of thing is happening with more and more regularity, unfortunately. All the agencies have lists posted telling folks like me what to do. I've completed everything possible that I know of. 

Then last week a person we have done business with in the past sent a packet of info to our house via UPS. The outer envelope was wide opened with no effort made to seal it (the sticky strip that exposes the adhesive was still in place). The inner envelope containing the documents was also wide open with no effort made to close it. Every bit of our personal info was flapping in the breeze from point A to point B. I was angry. Because I am told from all the experts to protect my info and yet there seems to be no systems in place for those who have our info to care for it responsibly. What's done is done. 

The person responsible was terribly upset when I sent him pictures of the wide open envelope, laying on my front porch (because my UPS driver and I have a trusting relationship). He felt bad. 

Then four days later he sent me this beautiful hydrangea plant as an apology. I accept. 

Identities: Easy come, easy go.

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